Today, instead of a recipe, I would like to share with you one of my favourite quotes that slowly changing my wy of thinking… “HOPE FOR EVERYTHING, EXPECT NOTHING”…? Although I read this quote many years ago and thought I was living by its message, it wasn’t until recently that I truly embraced it and slowly began to experience magic…
But not magic in the external surroundings, but within me… These five simple words possess incredible power, and I’m starting to notice, in the midst of life’s challenges, that they are the quintessence of a peaceful and mindful life… and they apply to all aspects of it. This simple principle reminds me every day that it’s worth being open to everything happening around me, while not getting too attached to specific expectations… Often, when we completely let go of expectations, especially towards other people, yet still approach current and future events with hope, the most surprising and extraordinary things happen—things we never expected. People enter our lives who, with their goodness and sincerity, change our lives forever… It’s precisely when we allow ourselves, without ANY expectations, to be flexible in our thinking and open to new possibilities, that the ‘scattered puzzle pieces’ in our head slowly begin to fall back into place…
How do you like this kind of content on my blog? Should I occasionally share my thoughts or beautiful quotes, or is it better if I stick to what I do best?, which is cooking potatoes and baking apple pie? ??
Have a wonderful weekend! ☀️?
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